Buy Nio Shares: The Complete Guide

When it comes to electric cars, the first name that comes to mind is Tesla. However, soon there will be another equally famous brand: Nio. Buying Nio shares could be a highly profitable investment, but what are the risks? Throughout this…

Invest in Green Energy [Best companies 2022]

The global economy is slowly changing sources of energy, moving away from fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases, towards cleaner alternatives. This is why starting to Invest in Green Energy is becoming a priority as well as a potential…

Fundamental Analysis

What is Fundamental Analysis? Dear reader, we welcome you to this new guide of During the guide we will talk about fundamental analysis and how this discipline can impact the trading activity of any financial…

Robinhood Review: is it worth it? [2022]

Is Robinhood really worth it? Apparently the answer is yes: after all, the company has spent millions of dollars on marketing to present itself as the champion of traders and the sworn enemy of banks and trading applications that charge…

Marijuana Stocks [The Best to Buy in 2022]

The marijuana industry is based on innovative companies that are heavily engaged in the research, development, distribution and sale of medical and recreational cannabis. Investing in marijuana stocks is fast becoming an interesting…